Upaya Mengembangkan Potensi Pariwisata Dan Penghijauan Waduk Di Desa Mojowono Kecamatan Kemlagi


  • Ratih Dwi Pangestu Universitas Mayjen Sungkono Mojokerto
  • Zulfa Muniroh Universitas Mayjen Sungkono Mojokerto
  • Rozy Nur Alif R.H Universitas Mayjen Sungkono Mojokerto
  • Syahril Dhiyah H.S Universitas Mayjen Sungkono Mojokerto
  • Luluk Maghfiroh Universitas Mayjen Sungkono Mojokerto
  • Devina Ayu P Universitas Mayjen Sungkono Mojokerto
  • Radika Novelia A.P Universitas Mayjen Sungkono Mojokerto
  • Yenny Triariani Universitas Mayjen Sungkono Mojokerto
  • Intan Dwi Utari Universitas Mayjen Sungkono Mojokerto
  • Poppy Nur Alifia P Universitas Mayjen Sungkono Mojokerto
  • Dyah Ayu K Universitas Mayjen Sungkono Mojokerto
  • Avivatin Khoirun N Universitas Mayjen Sungkono Mojokerto
  • Renggar Yudhistio S, M Universitas Mayjen Sungkono Mojokerto
  • Alfan Efendi Universitas Mayjen Sungkono Mojokerto
  • Rio Asrul Fa Universitas Mayjen Sungkono Mojokerto
  • Akhmad Ramadhan Yusga N Universitas Mayjen Sungkono Mojokerto
  • Bima Yogananta Adiansah Universitas Mayjen Sungkono Mojokerto
  • Rony Ad Wahyudy Universitas Mayjen Sungkono Mojokerto
  • Aan Nur Aris Universitas Mayjen Sungkono Mojokerto
  • Tegar Sukmawan Universitas Mayjen Sungkono Mojokerto
  • Rizal Dinar A.D Universitas Mayjen Sungkono Mojokerto
  • Risky Dwi P Universitas Mayjen Sungkono Mojokerto
  • Ismu Abdi S Universitas Mayjen Sungkono Mojokerto
  • Shela Novi Ana Universitas Mayjen Sungkono Mojokerto




Village, village tourism


Mojowono Village is one of the villages in Kemlagi District, Mojokerto Regency, East Java Province which has local potential, namely agriculture, animal husbandry, MSMEs and tourism. Tourism potential in Mojowono Village can be developed because it has potential natural resources (SDA) and human resources (SDM). Tourism development activities aim to grow tourism businesses based on local potential in Mojowono Village, foster community creativity, and increase community economic resources. Tourism development is carried out through two programs, namely installing signboards between two reservoirs (Segawe Reservoir and Trunhyang Reservoir) in Mojowono village and environmental greening in the area around Segawe Reservoir. Implementation of the program involves the active role of the Mojowono Village Government and the community around the reservoir area. The installation of name signs at these two reservoirs has been able to attract tourists to visit Mojowono Village. However, there needs to be sustainability efforts through improving tourism infrastructure, increasing human resources for tourism managers and increasing tourism publications, promotions and branding so that Mojowono Village continues to develop as a tourist village in Kemlagi District.



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How to Cite

Ratih Dwi Pangestu, Zulfa Muniroh, Rozy Nur Alif R.H, Syahril Dhiyah H.S, Luluk Maghfiroh, Devina Ayu P, … Shela Novi Ana. (2023). Upaya Mengembangkan Potensi Pariwisata Dan Penghijauan Waduk Di Desa Mojowono Kecamatan Kemlagi. Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Nian Tana, 2(1), 136–142. https://doi.org/10.59603/jpmnt.v2i1.285

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