Pengaruh Modal Kerja Terhadap Profitabilitas Pada Perusahaan Rokok Yang Terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia Tahun 2017 -2021


  • Ni Putu Faradha Azhari Universitas Nusa Nipa
  • Antonius Pilippus Kurniawan Universitas Nusa Nipa
  • Elisabet Luju Universitas Nusa Nipa



Working Capital, Profitability, Gross Profit Margin


The problem in this study is the fluctuating working capital in cigarette companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange in 2017-2021. This study aimed at determining the influence of working capital on profitability. The population in this study was all cigarette companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange totaling 5 companies. Research samples were obtained using the purposive sampling method. The samples used were from 4 companies. Data was collected through documentation and analyzed using descriptive statistical methods and inferential statistics, namely simple linear regression. Hypothesis testing was done through a t-test. The results of the descriptive analysis revealed that: (1) Working capital had an average value (mean) of IDR.14,277,908,600 of the total working capital. (2) Gross profit margin had an average value (mean) of 19.8 which shows that every IDR. 1 sale can be fulfilled with IDR.19.8 gross profit owned by the company. The results of the t-test statistic indicated that working capital (X) had a positive and significant influence on the variable gross profit margin (Y). The results of the determination analysis (R²) showed that the working capital variable was able to explain the fluctuation of profitability of cigarette companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange by 21.4%.


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How to Cite

Ni Putu Faradha Azhari, Antonius Pilippus Kurniawan, & Elisabet Luju. (2022). Pengaruh Modal Kerja Terhadap Profitabilitas Pada Perusahaan Rokok Yang Terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia Tahun 2017 -2021. Jurnal Projemen UNIPA, 9(1), 31–42.