Analisis Peramalan dalam Manajemen Operasi


  • Agus Salahudin Mubarok Universitas Pamulang



Management, Operations, Forecasting


Forecasting in operations management is the process of estimating or predicting future needs and demands, both in terms of products, services, raw materials and other resources needed in the operations of an organization. Forecasting is an important element in operations management that helps organizations predict future demand, plan production capacity, manage inventory, and optimize supply chains. Descriptive research is research carried out on independent variables without making comparisons or connecting them with other variables. Descriptive research is non-hypothetical research so that in the research steps there is no need to formulate a hypothesis. So this research does not reveal any relationship between variables, but only describes the situation of each indicator. Forecasting in operations management is the process of estimating future conditions or demand based on historical data and trend analysis. Forecasting in operations management plays a very important role in effective decision making, from inventory management to production capacity planning and supply chain management . The recommendation for companies is to always evaluate forecasting accuracy periodically and adjust the models used to market conditions and the latest data.


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How to Cite

Agus Salahudin Mubarok. (2024). Analisis Peramalan dalam Manajemen Operasi . Ebisnis Manajemen, 3(1), 01–07.

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